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Color: Yellow and black
Dimension: 450 × 10 × 10 cm
Origin: Canada

We take our Castaways Yellow and mount a pair of tambourine jingles on top of the castanets, positioned close to the grip area to maximize playing control. Two adjustable beads on the Polyrods blend with the castanets to create a perfect mix. Play the castanets positioned upwards to execute precise quarter or eighth note figures. Flipping the castanets downwards effectively doubles the speed.

Castaways Jingle are a unique blend consisting of a pair of yellow plastic castanets mounted on a light weight ball, on the top castanet is mounted a pair of tambourine jingles.   They are positioned closer to the grip area to maximize playing control.   Polyrod material with 2 adjustable beads blend the castanets sound to a perfect mix.  Play the castanets positioned upwards and execute precision quarter or eighth note figures.  Flipping the Castanets downwards transforms the same figures to 16th notes.  The combinations and sounds are very musical and can enhance most genres of music.
